
Appointments can be scheduled by either phone or text message. We are happy to assist you in English or Japanese.

To book an appointment, please provide the name of the staff member you'd like to request, the service you require, and your preferred day and time. This will help us serve you more efficiently.

If you have any queries about our service or pricing, we offer a complimentary consultation. Simply send us a text message including a photo of your current hair length and condition, as well as a picture of the hairstyle you'd like.

If you wish to request Chika specifically, please contact her directly at ←Click

Book Now 0478115151

Beauty & Massage

Appointments can be scheduled by either phone or text message. We are happy to assist you in English or Japanese.

To book an appointment, please provide the Servive you require, and your prefer a day and Time. This will help us serve you more efficiently.

Book Now 0466564179

Eyelash Extension

To book an appointment, please contact Ai by what's up message or direct message at ←Click

Book Now 0452079488